Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Debbie Moments

This is a post that I will probably add to throughout the trip. First, let me explain what a "Debbie Moment" is. A "Debbie Moment" is when you are flustered or in a hurry or just in a ditsy mood and you start talking in english to a spaniard that has no clue what you are saying.

Next, I will explain how these situations came upon the name "Debbie Moments." Last thursday night when Maren, Debbie and I ate supper at the Bocadilla and listened to 90's hits til we met the group at 11, we also had some drinks. So it was 11 and we needed to pay and leave. Debbie needed to go to the bathroom so Maren and I went to pay first. We told him what we had and paid, and then Debbie comes up to do the same. She proceeds to say (in a higher pitched, tipsy voice), "I had...two beers...a mixed drink...." At this point, Maren and I are staring at her because the bartender is giving her a look like "what the #*$% are you saying you stupid american." She then realized what she had done and was very embarrassed. She managed to pay for the right things and we left. I don't think a day has gone by that we haven't made fun of her for that moment.

Now Maren experienced on of these "Debbie Moments" yesterday when she was coming out of our room. Now Maren's a jumpy person and scares easily. Alejandro happened to be walking towards our room as she was coming out. They collided and it startled Maren quite a bit. She makes her you scared the $&#% out of me noise, and then says "I'm SOO sorry." Jorge and I are just cracking up in the living room because we could here everything. So when Maren came back in the living room I looked at her and said "I'm so sorry?" She was quite embarrassed over the whole thing but Jorge and I were entertained. I'm surprised she didn't wet her pants. She was still breathing heavily when she was sitting on the couch next to me.

I have a feeling this list will get long over time. I wouldn't be surprised if I have my own story on it at one point.

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