Monday, February 2, 2009

Adios Enero y Hola Febrero!

The first day of February consisted of me rolling out of bed at 2 and eating "breakfast." Being lazy and then eating "lunch" at 5. I had the privilege of speaking with my parents and sister through skype. That was a treat minus the usual chastising but at least I had Becca to stand up for me. I spent the remainder of the day writing an essay which is the subject of a later story. Regina's boyfriend, Julio, found me a site where I could watch the superbowl. So I stayed up til 4:30am to watch the superbowl in its entirety. Though it was an entertaining game down to the wire, I definitely was disappointed with the outcome. The only downfall is I have no one to talk with about football here. Soccer is the main sport of interest to the Spanish, and then there's Maren...enough said.

Reluctantly, I got out of bed this morning, the second day of February, and headed to class. Let me take a moment to emphasize the word, CLASS. For all of you still attending class at Iowa State, I had one class today at 11. It's a rough life here in Spain. As we walked, we saw the sun for the first time in days. When we arrived, I sat down in my desk and pulled out my notebook. I then notice I had packed the incorrect notebook. So that essay I wrote was laying on my bed across town. Typical scenario for me but it was not exactly the impression I wanted to make on the first assignment. Luckily the spanish are very laid back, and my professor didn't seem concerned. I'll turn it in on wednesday.

After classes I went to the Correos to mail some things. I was entertained by an older lady who seemed very irritated that the line was so long. She was number 174 and I was number 175. When we arrived they were on 146. I guess she supposed I was just as irritated as she. Which was true but I chose not to vocalize it. Maren and I then walked home but of course got distracted by the many shops along the way. One store, Yango, will be the death of me I swear especially during the time of rebajas. Rebajas is the period when most stores have their entire stock on sale. At Yango, the clothes are already fair priced, and during the time of rebajas, they are even cheaper. I purchased 3 nice shirts and a dress for 42 euros or about $55. We then returned home and are currently laying around for our siesta. We had a nice lunch of pork and an egg soup as well as the usual bread and fruit.

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