Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weekend back in Caceres


It's saturday afternoon and I cannot believe how fast this week flew by. My week was fairly uneventful. I went to class, and my internship. At my internship, I translated a couple magazine articles. I also finished programming and dinking around with the titrator. This week it sounds like I going to start doing trials to fix any problems still in existence.

This weekend it feels nice to be back in Caceres. All the travelling takes it out of you, so this has been a good time for recuperation. Thursday evening we went to Oxigeno, our favorite place if you couldn't tell. The bartender took pictures of the whole group of girls. We stayed there for a few hours, and then we headed to my friend Juanca's apartment to play some cards. Maren then went home because she had her internship the next morning. I went to the discos with Juanca and his friends. We stayed out very late even though I would have preferred to go home earlier.

Yesterday, I slept most of the day. Maren and I then met up with some of the group (most of the group took the night off) and headed to oxigeno again. After about 45 minutes we went to the apartment of one of Erica's friends she met here. We played cards and a spanish board game. At about 2:30, Maren and I were ready for bed so Anavel (Erica's friend) took us home. We feel much more rested today and will be ready for another night out.

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